Polonium-210 Contamination Information and Updates


The Health Physics Society PDFfact sheet

The Health Physics News article PDFWhy 210Po

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention information sheets

The International Atomic Energy Agency information sheet

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission Web page and fact sheet 

NRC Commissioner McGaffigan's Letter to the Editor - The New York Times: Polonium and Terrorism

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) in the United Kingdom has been posting regular updates on the polonium-210 contamination case. These updates are available on the HPA's website and are reproduced here for your convenience. (The HPA describes itself as an independent body that protects the health and well-being of the population. The Agency states it plays a critical role in protecting people from infectious diseases and in preventing harm when hazards involving chemicals, poisons, or radiation occur.)

HPA Updates:

PDFMarch 8, 2007 

PDFFebruary 8, 2007 

PDFJanuary 25, 2007 

PDFJanuary 18, 2007 

PDFJanuary 11, 2007 

PDFJanuary 5, 2007 

PDFJanuary 3, 2007 

PDFDecember 28, 2006 

PDFDecember 19, 2006 

PDFDecember 18, 2006 

PDFDecember 15, 2006 

PDFDecember 14, 2006 

PDFDecember 13, 2006 

PDFDecember 12, 2006 

PDFDecember 11, 2006 

PDFDecember 10, 2006

PDFDecember 9, 2006

PDFDecember 8, 2006

PDFDecember 7, 2006

PDFDecember 6, 2006

PDFDecember 5, 2006